Admission Management

About Campuscloud Enrolment

With Campus Cloud Admission Module, you can easily and seamlessly conduct the enrolment process of students for all the grades and classes.

Campus Cloud Enrolment is a special module using which your educational institution can handle multiple admissions of students in a super-efficient and quick way!

If thats not all, Campus Cloud Admission module also has this amazing feature of organizing and collecting online payments!No need to stand in long queues to make fee payments anymore!

Let's strive to promote social distancing and curb the spread of COVID-19 with Campus Cloud Admission module!

Key Features

Most probably included best features ever

Custom Enquiry form

Admission enquiry forms can be easily customised and fully configured before the admission process begins

Stay Organized

Lets you become organised right from day one of the admission process, since your institution can allot buses to students directly at the time of admission.

Online Interviews

Schedule the entrance exams for the admission online, followed by interviews that can be conducted using our video conferencing tool

Online/Offline Fees

Ensure a hassle-free collection of various types of fees such as those for application, admission and academic, no matter if the fees are collected online or offline

Application Decision

To approve and reject online applications so that the students need not have to wait for knowing their admission status

Report Generation

Generate cumulative reports as soon as admissions take place in different locations. Moreover, you can also monitor and generate reports as per course-wise intake, enquiries, application, admission and cancelled counts.

Get started with Campus Care platform

The first step that needs to be addressed is how the admission process will be conducted in the current scenario!


Get better insights using the analytics for improving the admissions!

  • 3x more applications

    Our platform facilitates institutions receive more enquiries and applications as it gives more flexibility to apply from anywhere by the students and parents, opt-in the right courses and make the admission process easy & effective.

  • Achieve digitalisation from day #1

    The Online Admission module boasts of features such as online admission form, enquiry form, online interviews, application tracking, online fee payment, offline fee record-keeping, generation of reports, etc.
